Updated 11/11/2020
In General
After opening a case and uploading the creditor list, run the Judge/Trustee Assignment program which automatically assigns a judge, trustee and 341 meeting date. If you would like to increase the possibility of having the same meeting date assigned to multiple cases, run the Judge/Trustee Assignment program after you have opened and uploaded the creditor lists for all cases.
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Select Bankruptcy > Judge/Trustee Assignment.
- The 341 Judge and Trustee screen displays the case assignments.
IMPORTANT! In a chapter 11 case, the program only assigns a judge. The Office of the United States Trustee is responsible for setting the meeting of creditors.
Next Steps
- For individual debtors, file Certificate of Credit Counseling (or if on Official Form 101, Part 5, the fourth box is checked, separately file Motion for Exemption from Credit Counseling).
- For corporations and artificial entities, file Corporate Resolution or Statement Regarding Authority to File Petition.
- File Disclosure of Compensation of Attorney for Debtor, if not included with petition.
- If paying in installments, file Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments.
- If applying for fee waiver, file Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived.
- Mail the originally signed Declaration re: Electronic Filing form to the Clerk's Office. This is due within 7 days of case opening.