Updated 11/11/2020
Review Local Bankruptcy Rule 2016-1 for detailed information on compensation of professionals.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times. File a separate notice of hearing with the preset hearing information.
Application must include a cover sheet substantially confirming to local form Compensation Summary Sheet (H2016-1a).
11 U.S.C. §§330, 331, 503(b)(4); FRBP 2016; LBR 2016-1
Updated 4/9/2024
Effective immediately, Applications for Unclaimed Funds and their supporting documents must be submitted on paper, not filed online.
Updated 11/11/2020
Attorneys may request permission to appear pro hac vice in a bankruptcy case or proceeding in this court by filing an application substantially conforming to the local form (Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice) and submitting the assessment required by the district court. The current assessment fee is $300 per applicant. An attorney admitted to appear pro hac vice in a bankruptcy case will also be admitted to appear pro hac vice in a case that has been consolidated or is being jointly administered with, or in any adversary proceeding related to, the case in which the application has been granted.
A hearing is not required.
Application to Appear Pro Hac Vice (Local Form H2010-1b)
LBR 2090-1
By order dated September 23, 2010, of the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii, there is an assessment of 300 Dollars for limited admission to appear pro hac vice.
Updated 11/11/2020
A debtor who cannot afford to pay the chapter 7 filing fee may apply for a waiver under 11 U.S.C. § 1930(f). To qualify, a chapter 7 debtor must have income less than 150% of the income official poverty line and be unable to pay the fee in installments.
A hearing is not required.
Application to Have the Chapter 7 Filing Fee Waived (Official Form 103B)
11 U.S.C. § 1930(f)
Updated 11/11/2020
A request for an order of employment may be made by filing an application substantially conforming to the local form (Application to Employ Professional).
A hearing is not required unless there is an objection to the application.
Application to Employ Professional (Local Form H2014)
11 U.S.C. §327; FRBP 2014, 6003; LBR 2014-1
Next Step
The applicant shall either (a) submit a proposed order bearing the approval of the Office of the United States Trustee (OUST), (b) arrange for the OUST to notify chambers that the OUST does not object to the application, in which case the court may enter a text order granting the application, or (c) if there is an objection to the application, set the matter for hearing. LBR 2014-1.
Updated 11/11/2020
Individual debtors filing chapter 7 petitions may request to pay the filing fee in installments so long as the last payment becomes due within 120 days after the petition is filed. For debtors filing petitions under chapter 11, 12, or 13, the last payment is generally due 14 days after the petition is filed.
A hearing is not required.
Application for Individuals to Pay the Filing Fee in Installments (Official Form 103A)
FRBP 1006(b)
Updated 11/11/2020
A party in interest seeking to examine the debtor or other entity pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 may request an examination order by filing a motion substantially conforming to the local form (Motion for Rule 2004 Examination). The clerk is authorized to issue an examination order requested by a party in interest who has complied with the requirements of Local Bankruptcy Rule 2004-1.
Generally, a hearing is not required. The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
Motion for 2004 Examination (H2004-1)
FRBP 2004; LBR 2004-1
Updated 11/11/20
After confirmation of a plan, circumstances may arise that prevent the debtor from completing the plan. In such situations, the debtor may ask the court to grant a "hardship discharge."
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times. File a separate notice of hearing with the preset hearing information.
11 U.S.C. §§1228(b), 1328(b); FRBP 4007(d)
Updated 11/11/2020
An ex parte motion for issuance of garnishee summons may be filed in a closed bankruptcy case or adversary proceeding.
Generally, a hearing is not required for filing of the motion.
Updated 12/1/2023
Refer to Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001-1 for information regarding motion and supporting documents, hearing, notice and service requirements.
A motion to terminate, annul, modify, or condition the automatic stay must be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. If a child support creditor is the movant and if the movant files Official Form 2810, no fee is required. In addition, no fee is required for approval of a stipulation to terminate, annul, modify or condition the automatic stay.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times. File a separate notice of hearing with the preset hearing information.
Motion must attach a cover sheet substantially confirming to local form Cover Sheet - Motion for Relief from Stay (H4001-1cs).
11 U.S.C. § 362(a); FRBP 4001(a); LBR 4001-1
Updated 11/11/2020
Refer to Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001-1 for information regarding motion and supporting documents, hearing, notice and service requirements. There is no fee for filing a motion to terminate, annul, modify, or condition the codebtor stay.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times. File a separate notice of hearing with the preset hearing information.
Motion must attach a cover sheet substantially confirming to local form Cover Sheet - Motion for Relief from Stay (H4001-1cs).
11 U.S.C. §§1201, 1301; FRBP 4001; LBR 4001-1
Updated 11/11/2020
A motion to stay pending appeal must first be filed in the bankruptcy court.
The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
FRBP 8001-8028; LBR 8001-1; LR 8005.1, 8007.1, 8007.2
Updated 11/11/2020
A party may seek court approval of a settlement or stipulation by filing and serving on all creditors a motion pursuant to LBR 9013-1(c). If the motion concerns settlement of an adversary proceeding, the motion and notice must be entered on the docket in the bankruptcy case.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times. File a separate notice of hearing with the preset hearing information.
FRBP 9019; LBR 9019-1(a)
Updated 11/11/2020
Motions to continue a hearing must recite specific reasons for rescheduling the matter and the length of the proposed continuance. Click here for detailed information about how a party may request that a future hearing, trial, or scheduling conference be continued.
The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
LBR 9006-1(b)(3)
Updated 11/11/2020
Refer to Local Bankruptcy Rule 4001-5 for information regarding motion, notice, hearing, service requirements. There is no fee to file a motion to extend the automatic stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3)(B).
Hearing required. See LBR 4001-5(a)(3) for notice and hearing information.
11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3)(B); LBR 4001-5
Updated 1/4/2020
After confirmation of the plan but before completion of payments, the plan may be modified for the reasons set forth in 11 U.S.C. § 1329. The debtor may request modification by filing a motion and notice of hearing substantially conforming to the appropriate local form motion. A copy of the entire plan as modified need not be filed so long as the motion describes with specificity the proposed modifications to the plan then in effect.
New section 1329(d) of the "CARES Act" provides that a plan confirmed prior to March 27, 2020, may be modified to allow payments over a period expiring 7 years after the time the first payment under the confirmed plan was due.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times.
Motion to Modify Confirmed Plan (H1329-A)
11 U.S.C. § 1329; FRBP 3015; LBR 3015-2
Step-by-Step Instructions
Updated 11/15/2020
Review LBR 9024-1 for motion, service and disposition information. If this motion relates to a dismissal order, file a Motion to Reconsider Order Dismissing Case.
The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
FRBP 9023, 9024; LBR 9024-1
Step-by-Step Instructions
File this motion without a hearing date. The court will advise if and when a hearing will be set.
Updated 11/11/2020
Review LBR 9024-1 for motion, service and disposition information. If the case was dismissed for failure to file documents or pay the filing fee, satisfy the deficiencies before filing the motion.
The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
Debtor's Motion to Reconsider Order Dismissing Case (H9024)
FRBP 9023, 9024; LBR 1007-1(c), 3015-1(d), 9024-1
File this motion without a hearing date. The court will advise if and when a hearing will be set.
Updated 12/1/2020
Use this event when a document already on the court record includes a protected personal identifier:
This event will create an entry on the public docket but the PDF of the document will be restricted and may only be viewed by the filer and the court, unless the court orders otherwise.
See also: Guideline on Sealed and Redacted Documents
A hearing is not required.
Motion to Redact (AP) (H9037A)
Motion to Redact (BK) (H9037B)
FRBP 9037; LBR9037-1
This event will create an entry on the public docket but the PDF of the document will be restricted and may only be viewed by the filer and the court, unless the court orders otherwise.
Next Steps
Updated 11/11/2020
The motion must describe the item to be sealed, the applicable standard for sealing the information, and how that standard is met. The motion must also specify whether the document should be sealed in its entirety or whether the filer wishes to file a redacted document but make an unredacted version available to the judge. (If the confidential information will not be made available to the judge, a motion to seal generally is unnecessary.) Unless directed to do so by the court, do not file or submit the subject document at the time the motion is filed.
See also: Guideline on Sealed and Redacted Documents.
Generally, a hearing is not required. The court will advise you if the matter will be set for hearing.
11 U.S.C. § 107; FRBP 9018; LBR 9018-1
Updated 11/11/2020
A party may seek to shorten the time to give notice of a hearing by filing an ex parte motion substantially conforming to the local form (Motion to Enlarge or Shorten Time). Refer to LBR 9006-1(b) for motion requirements.
A hearing is not required.
Motion to Enlarge or Shorten Time (H9006-1)
FRBP 9006(c); LBR 9006-1(b)
Please advise the courtroom deputy of this motion by email at calendar@hib.uscourts.gov or by phone at (808) 522-8113. Refer to LBR 9013-1 for motion requirements. Movant must attach a declaration concerning consultation with parties in interest about shortening time.
Updated 11/11/2020
Parties may object to a claim by filing an objection that substantially conforms to the local form (Objection to Claim). If the local form is not used, Official Form 420B (Notice of Objection to Claim) must be filed and served together with the objection. The objection must give not less than 30 days’ notice of the deadline to respond.
Hearing required. Refer to the CHAP Chamber Presets Report for available hearing dates and times.
Objection to Claim (H3007)
11 U.S.C. § 502; FRBP 3007; LBR 3007-1
Next Steps