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Case Information

Obtaining Case Information

You may obtain Information about cases and proceedings filed in this court and other federal courts using the online PACER Case Locator, a national index for U.S. District, Bankruptcy, and Appellate Courts.

You may also search for debtors who have filed bankruptcy petitions using McVCIS, a free voice recognition and response service which provides callers with basic case information.

Public Access to Court Records

Unless sealed by court order, documents filed with the court are available as follows.

Clerk’s Office. No paper files are maintained. Electronic images of documents in cases filed on and after January 1, 1998, are available for viewing without a fee at the Clerk’s Office. Fees are charged for printing paper copies of these documents.

Internet Access. Images of documents in cases filed on and after January 1, 1998, may be viewed using PACER, (Public Access to Electronic Court Records), a nationwide service of the federal judiciary. A PACER login is required and fees may apply for viewing the documents.

Note: Access to documents in cases filed before December 1, 2003, and which have been closed for more than a year may be restricted in PACER. Documents in these cases may be viewed via the Internet only by parties in the case who have a separate CM/ECF login issued by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Hawaii. (Generally, these otherwise restricted documents may be viewed at public computer terminals in the Clerk's Office.)

Federal Records Center. Paper documents in cases filed before January 1, 1998, may be archived at the San Francisco Federal Records Center, managed by the National Archives and Record Administration. A fee is charged for retrieving these files.