ePOC permits the electronic filing of the following types of documents without requiring a CM/ECF login.
- Proof of Claim - Original or Amended
- Withdrawal of Claim
- Rule 3002-1 Claim Supplements
- Notice of Mortgage Payment Change
- Notice of Postpetition Fees, Expenses, and Charges
- Response to Notice of Final Cure Payment
- Proof of Claim Attachment 3001(c)(1)(d)
Properly and accurately completing the data entry, redaction acknowledgment, PDF upload, and verification code steps in the ePOC program shall serve as the submitting individual’s signature on the above types of documents, with the same force and effect as if that individual had signed a paper copy of the document.
Penalty for presenting a fraudulent claim: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152 and 3571.
File an Original or Amended Proof of Claim