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Before Filing



Select from the menu on the left for important information you need to know BEFORE you file your petition.


  • Chapter 7 Filing Requirements lists the various forms you need to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case.
  • Chapter 13 Filing Requirements lists the various forms you need to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case.
  • Means Testing - Most debtors will need to file Form 122 - this tab will direct you to where you may obtain the information for that form.
  • Credit Counseling must be obtained BEFORE you file - this tab provides information on how to obtain it.
  • Creditor List - Get information on how to submit a list with the names and addresses of all individuals and businesses to whom you owe money. 
  • Filing Fees is a list of the fees to be paid with the petition, how they may be paid, and how to request a waiver to excuse the payment.
  • Evictions and Rent Deposits explains what must be done if you are filing to stop an eviction.