Court Location
United States Bankruptcy Court
District of Hawaii
1132 Bishop Street, Suite 250
Honolulu, HI 96813
Other Court Links
Other Resources
- PACER Service Center
- Bankruptcy Code and Rules
- Legal Information Institute [LII]
- American Bankruptcy Institute
- The NACTT Academy
- Federal Judicial Center
- U.S. Trustee Program
- Hawaii Revised Statutes
- Hawaii State Judiciary
- Hawaii State Bar Association
- IRS - Get Tax Return Transcript
- Report Bankruptcy Fraud
CARE Program
Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) Program
CARE is a national, nonprofit community service program using bankruptcy judges and lawyers to teach young adults the basics of financial literacy. The program is designed to educate high school and college students about the pitfalls of credit abuse and to prepare them for the financial responsibilities they will encounter as young adults. More >>
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News & Announcements
Local Bankruptcy Rule 3015(h) provides that the Clerk set in January and July of each year a standard interest rate...
In addition to the legal holidays scheduled for Thursday, November 28, and Wednesday, December 25, 2024, and Wednesday,...
There has been nationwide reporting of fake CM/ECF Notices of Electronic Filing (NEFs) being sent to attorneys and law...
Absent contrary action by Congress, amendments to the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure and certain forms will become...
Construction in the court's Fort Street Mall entry is scheduled to begin Monday, September 9, 2024, and last 2-3 months....
The United States Trustee will present a free program on the basics of Subchapter V Chapter 11 Law on September 13, 2024...