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Can I file an electronic proof of claim in any chapter case?
Yes. The United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Hawaii accepts electronic claims in all cases.
Do I need to attach Official Form 410 as an attachment?
No. The fillable form will create Official Form 410, Proof of Claim. Any attachments should consist of supporting documentation to the proof of claim.
Is a signature required on the proof of claim?
Yes. Type the name and title, if any, of the person authorized to file the claim on behalf of the creditor. Typing the name will serve as the signature and has the same force and effect as a written signature.
Can I include a separate mailing address for payments?
Yes. Check the box indicating that the payment address is different from the notice address. An additional address field will appear for this alternate address for payments. Notices from the court will still be sent to the notice address.
At the time of filing my claim, I do not know the amount that is due. How do I enter “unknown” in the amount for the claim?
In the amount box, enter: 0.00. Attach documentation to the claim explaining the reason that the amount of the claim is unknown at this time. Once you know the amount of the claim, file an amended claim.
Can I get a file-stamped acknowledgment of the proof of claim?
Yes. After you submit your claim, the claim number will display with a link to the electronically file-stamped proof of claim. We recommend that you print or save a copy of the claim for your records.
I am a creditor’s attorney and will be filing a claim on behalf of my client. How do I record the creditor address and my address as the attorney?
When filing the claim, there is a drop-down box on the first screen which allows you to select who is submitting the claim. The options are: Creditor, Creditor’s Attorney, Debtor, Debtor’s Attorney and Trustee. If you select Creditor’s Attorney, you will be able to add the attorney name and address and select the appropriate creditor from a list of creditors in the case. If the creditor does not appear or is not listed correctly, you are able to add the correct creditor information. Both names and addresses will be added to the list of creditors and displayed on the proof of claim.
When will my claim appear on the claims register?
The claim will immediately appear on the claims register upon submission of the proof of claim.
Will the trustee be served with the proof of claim?
Yes. The trustee will receive electronic notification of the filing of the claim. You do not need to mail a copy to the court or to the trustee.
I filed a claim and my attachments did not properly attach to the claim filed. How do I get the supporting documentation filed?
Attachments may only be added by filing an amended claim. Amendments cannot be faxed or mailed to the court or trustee’s office unless specifically requested by the trustee. Complete the fillable claim form again, check the box above Item 1. to indicate that the claim amends a previously filed claim. Select the claim number of the claim being amended. Browse and attach your documentation. Submit the form.
I need to amend my claim. How do I do this?
When completing the fillable claim form, check the box above Item 1. to indicate that the claim amends a previously-filed claim. Select the claim number being amended.
Can I use ePOC to file a Request for Payment of Administrative Expense?
No. Requests for Payment of Administrative Expense must continue to be filed in the CM/ECF system as a registered user.