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Create a Creditor List

Updated 12/1/2020

In General

A bankruptcy petition must be accompanied by a list of the names and addresses of all creditors and other parties who are or will be included on bankruptcy schedules D, E/F, G, and H. If some of the names and addresses of creditors are not known at the time the petition is filed, an amended creditor list may be filed later, but there will be a $34 filing fee charged and the debtor will be responsible for mailing bankruptcy notices to the additional creditors.

Format of Names and Addresses

Follow these guidelines when creating the creditor list:

  • Do not include the debtor and the debtor’s attorney, U.S. Trustee, or case number.
  • List blocks of names and addresses in a single column down the left margin.
  • Separate each name and address block with at least one blank line.
  • Each name and address block may not exceed 5 lines total.
  • Each line must not exceed 40 characters, including spaces.
  • Each line must begin with a letter, digit, or one of these characters: #, %, &, or @.
  • Any “Attention” or “c/o” information should be placed on the second line.
  • The last line must contain the City, State (2‐letter abbreviation), and ZIP Code.
  • But for foreign addresses, list the country name (in English) by itself on the last line.
  • Do not include account numbers.
  • If the following entities require notice, use the addresses below:

Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 7346
Philadelphia, PA 19101‐7346

Department of Taxation
State of Hawaii
Attn: Bankruptcy Unit
P.O. Box 259
Honolulu, HI 96809‐0259

Click here to view a sample creditor list.

Save Creditor List as .txt File

  • Click Save As.
  • Click the drop down box arrow and select file type of Plain Text (*.txt).
  • Enter the file name in File Name: "your file name".txt.
  • Click Save.
  • You can also type your matrix using Notepad or Wordpad which automatically saves the document to .txt format.


The creditor list must be accompanied by the debtor’s verification that all entities included on bankruptcy schedules D, E/F, G, and H have been included in the creditor list. Use a form that substantially conforms to the local form (Debtor's Verification of Creditor List).