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Updated 11/11/20

The Mailings menu selection provides a list of electronic and/or manual recipients for a case.  There are three output options: List of Creditors, Mailing Info for a Case and Mailing Labels by Case.

List of Creditors

This report displays names/addresses for a specific case, either in 3-column label format or as delimited data fields.  It lists all parties (including the debtor, trustee and U.S. Trustee), all creditors, debtor's attorney and the Clerk's Office.  It does not include attorneys for non-debtor parties.  PACER fees apply.

IMPORTANT!  When "3 columns" format is selected, the program substitutes a creditor's "preferred address" as specified in a Notice of Address filed pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 342(f).  These recipients are designated with "(p)".   Bypassed recipients due to an undeliverable (u) or duplicate (d) address are listed at the bottom of the page.

Mailing Info for a Case

This report displays a list of those who receive email notices and those who require manual noticing.

Electronic Mail Notice List - List of parties to receive email notices for this case.
Manual Notice List - List of parties who are not on the list to receive email notices for this case.
Creditor List - Complete list of creditors only.  PACER fees apply.
List of Creditors - Link to list of all creditors and all parties in the case.  It does not include attorneys for non-debtor parties.  PACER fees apply.

Mailing Labels by Case

This report displays name/address data in label format for a single case.  You have the option of selecting all or some case participants.  To print labels, use your browser's print function, or copy the screen contents into a word processing program.  There is no charge for this report.

IMPORTANT!  When "3 columns" format is selected, the program substitutes a creditor's "preferred address" as specified in a Notice of Address filed pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 342(f).  These recipients are designated with "(p)".