Document Camera
A document camera is located on the right side of the podium. It functions much like an overhead projector except that the images are displayed on monitors instead of being projected on a screen. Touch screen monitors at the podium and witness box permit the speaker and the witness to make annotations on the document being presented. However, annotations are not saved.
Computer Interface Panels
The podium and counsel tables have panels that allow VGA and HDMI connections from a laptop computer to the evidence presentation system. There also is a separate input jack for a standard 3.5 mm audio cable. This cable can plug into a headphone connector on a laptop or another audio output device. The panel also contains RCA type connectors for other types of video output devices as well as a 110 volt power outlet.
A Blu-ray disc player and a VCR player are mounted in the podium.
Use of Presentation Resources
Parties wishing to use the courtroom presentation equipment must contact the courtroom deputy at least one week prior to the hearing or trial. Arrangements need to be made for any training needed and for testing the equipment prior to the actual hearing.
Digital Audio Record
Digital audio recordings are made for all hearings and trials using FTR Gold™. The audio records of all hearings beginning in May, 2002, may be available on a DVD in the FTR Player Plus™, PC audio, or generic audio formats. Audio records may be requested from the Clerk's Office for a $32 fee. Most but not all audio files are also attached as mp3 files to the hearing minutes in PACER. These may be played on a standard music player.
Assisted Listening Devices
For individuals with hearing disabilities, wireless headsets are available from the courtroom deputy.
Video Hearings
Hearings and trials may be held remotely. Click here for Remote Trial Procedures.